Rattle The R Analytical Tool To Learn Easily is a popular GUI for data mining using R. It is used world wide by independent consultants, data scientists at the major AI companies (including Microsoft, Google, Facebook), and for teaching data science at many universities (including Australian National University, Stanford, MIT, Harvard).
Install To install or to update Rattle you can follow the specific instructions available for each of the major computer operating systems.
Rattle is updated regularly, often weekly. Please check the CHANGELOG for details of updates.
You can visit the survival guide for general instructions for installing rattle. The source code is available on github.
Rattle presents statistical and visual summaries of data, transforms data that can be readily modelled, builds both unsupervised and supervised models from the data, presents the performance of models graphically, and scores new datasets. All of the underlying R code is presented as a script for learning R and for running independent of Rattle.
The Rattle book Data Mining with Rattle and R is available from Amazon. The R package has been available on CRAN for nearly 20 years. There are over 1,400 YouTube videos introducing Rattle.
When you are ready to move on from Rattle into programming with data, my follow up book, The Essentials of Data Science, available from Amazon, provides a guide to the template (or programming by example) approach to data science that Rattle's backend is built on. The templates build on your skill set learnt using Rattle, but using the full power of R with a focus on being accessible to all.
The source code for the Flutter front-end is available on github. The source code for the R support package is hosted on Bitbucket. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to clone, extend, and to submit pull requests through github to contribute.
The older Rattle Site (Rattle V5) is available at https://rattle.togaware.com/index.html. Instructions for installing Rattle V5 are available from the Data Science Desktop Survival Guide.
You are welcome to support this always freely available and open source software, and support its ongoing development and the growing web site of resources, through a donation via PayPal:
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