9.3 ADB Copy Files
To copy a file from the device to the current working directory on the computer:
$ adb pull '/storage/emulate...data/de.danoeh.antennapod/files/media/ThePod/meditation.mp3'
...emulated/0/Android/data/...meditation.mp3: 1 file pulled. 22.9 MB/s (46969135 bytes in 1.957s)
To copy a folder from the device to the current working directory on the computer:
~/Music$ adb pull '/storage/8912-4FA8/Music/'
[ 15%] /storage/8912-4FA8/Music/the_togas/2045_best_absorbed/03_direct_thoughts.ogg: 65%
To copy a file from the current working directory on the computer to a specific location on the device:
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