26.26 POP Mail Server


You can manually interact with a POP server to perhaps manually delete an email that your mail too is having trouble downloading, or simply to check things out. Here’s a sample manual session:

  $ telnet pop.togaware.com 110
  Connected to pop.togaware.com.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  +OK Hello there.
  USER kayon
  +OK Password required.
  PASS Secret
  +OK logged in.
  +OK POP3 clients that break here, they violate STD53.
  1 2269
  2 1498
  3 2816
  4 2113
  RETR 1
  +OK 2269 octets follow.
  Return-Path: <fred@yahoo.com>
  Delivered-To: kayon@mail.togaware.com
  DELE 1
  +OK Deleted.
  +OK Bye-bye.
  Connection closed by foreign host.

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