10.28 Streaming Audio
There are several approaches to capturing streaming audio for you to listen to at a later time. Mplayer, Mplayer, Mplayer provides all that is required and is actively maintained and well used. Coupled with sox, sox, sox you can create ogg files to store on your hard disk and to listen to as you wish.
10.28.1 Using MPlayer
mplayer, mplayer, mplayer sox, sox, sox
We can record a live audio stream from the Internet using mplayer. The following example records from TwinCities FM, Wannero, Western Australia (http://www.twincitiesfm.com.au/. You need to interrupt (e.g., Ctrl-C) mplayer at some stage, once enough has been recorded. The sox command then translates the resulting wav file into the more compressed ogg format.
$ mplayer mms:// \
-nocache -ao pcm:file=xstream.wav -vo null -vc dummy
$ sox xstream.wav xstream.ogg
You can listen to the audio as it is being captured with the play command from sox, sox, sox, running in a different terminal so you have some idea where to stop the stream:
Ref: Tony McNamara
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